ACD HybEZ II Hybridization System (220v)With ACD EZ-Batch Slide System - The HybEZ II Hybridization System (220V) allows hybridization and incubation of ACD's RNAscope® assay. The oven holds up to 20 slides in a rack, and provides the necessary temperature control and humidity required for optimal performance of RNAscope manual assay. The system comprises: HybEZ oven,and HybEZ Humidifying Paper (2 sheets PN 310025), EZ-Batch Wash Tray (321717), EZBatch Slide Holder (321716)
Display Name:
[0622-321720] ACD HybEZ II Hybridization System (220v)With ACD EZ-Batch Slide System - The HybEZ II Hybridization System (220V) allows hybridization and incubation of ACD's RNAscope® assay. The oven holds up to 20 slides in a rack, and provides the necessary temperature control and humidity required for optimal performance of RNAscope manual assay. The system comprises: HybEZ oven,and HybEZ Humidifying Paper (2 sheets PN 310025), EZ-Batch Wash Tray (321717), EZBatch Slide Holder (321716)
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